17 years old, Entrepreneur Program
What is your dream career?
“I want to teach others”
What are you doing to achieve your goal?
“I work hard in class, consult teachers and I joined a discussion group in our class to help me in my weak subject so that I can improve”
What are some of the challenges girls face in your community?
“Most families are poor, and parents see no value in education so they think they can use their daughters to get money. Most girls stop at S4 and some even dropout before. Due to poverty and the belief that when girl develops breasts she should get married, some parents force their children into marriages at a young age. They get a bride price for their daughters”
What do you think about these challenges?
“As a girl I think this is not right. We deserve to be in school just like the boys. I’m sure if I finish my education, I can get a job or start my own business and I will be able to support my parents. I can as well get married and have a happy family”